Siva Jonnada is a trained data analyst and program manager. For over 30 years, Siva worked in that capacity for the New York Power Authority, the largest public electric utility in the country, where he monitored the performance of the company’s various power plants from hydro to fossil to nuclear. He left the company in 2018 to pursue other interests which include helping improve his local community.
Siva has lived in Morris Township for five decades having moved here with his family when he was young. He attended the local public schools of the Morris School District and is an alumnus of Morristown High School. In fact, Siva was among the first students who were part of the historic merger of the two local school districts.
After attending college and briefly working out of state, Siva returned to the Township to live and raise his family. Among his many reasons for residing here is his interest in the local history of the area and in historic preservation.
Siva serves on the Morris Township Environmental Commission and is the liaison from Morris Township to the Whippany River Watershed Action Committee (WRWAC), of which he is now the Chair. He has been in both positions since 2019. Siva is also a member of the Burnham Park Association.
As Chair of WRWAC, Siva has presided over two successful BioBlitz Nature Festivals hosted by the organization. He has also worked on continuing to improve the condition of the Whippany River and its many tributaries. Environmental impact, water quality, and stormwater management are particular items on which he has focused.
Siva resides in the Township with his wife and two children along with his elderly mother. Among his many hobbies, Siva enjoys reading, writing, gardening, and travel. He curates a Little Free Library on his property. Siva has also been a member of Toastmasters International for over 30 years where he has learned the art of public speaking for which he has won numerous awards as a speaker and as a district officer.
Siva holds of B.A. in Political Science from New York University and a Masters in Computer Science from Pace University.