William "Bud" Ravitz - Bio
Currently serving as Deputy Mayor, William "Bud" Ravitz is serving the 3rd year of his first 3-year term on the Township Committee.
He has been instrumental in prioritizing the Collinsville Park and Tucker Field renovations. With federal and local funding either approved or about to be approved in April, construction will commence in late summer or early Autumn. The result will be a showpiece community park at a negligible cost to Township residents.
In addition, Ravitz spearheaded the adoption of two pay-to-play legislation ordinances that were more strict than the legislation passed by the state of New Jersey. The bipartisan legislation passed unanimously on the Committee, 5-0.
Bud has made a visible and positive impact on the Township Committee during his tenure. He brought his business acumen, real-world experience, and a new vision to guide the Township through the never-ending changes at the government level and in our daily lives.
Bud believes we must restore faith in our elections, our democracy, and our elected officials. To that end, the pay-to-play ordinances that he crafted go a long way in helping restore that faith. The community needs to know that their elected officials work hard to represent not only all residents' interests but also the interests of the Township in the near and long term. Bud has assured residents that their governing body is not for sale or influenced by special interests.
Several challenges face the Township in the near and long-term, including budgeting, Township growth, and future tax revenues.
Each department in the Township has an ever-growing wish list of capital projects and faces increasing operating costs. Bud has been an integral part of budgeting priorities for the committees he has served.
Controlling growth is an important issue. Any increase in growth, commercial or residential, affects traffic, and existing infrastructure, and has real consequences on residential life. In addition, there are tax implications for any new Township development. Bud is also open to more PILOT programs in the Township to help alleviate some of the tax implications from such programs in neighboring towns. He believes that attracting new sources of revenue is essential, not just for tax purposes but also in support of our local businesses.
In his next term, Bud will continue representing all Township residents, not just one area or demographic. He knows how important it is to make the necessary and sometimes difficult decisions that impact the Township and its residents. The current Township Committee will not defer to a future governing body any decision they can make today when it is most appropriate and impactful.
In addition, Bud wants to use a similar model as was done for the renovation of Collinsville Park and Tucker Field to reinvest taxpayer dollars in other Township parks.
Bud knows there is no substitute for good planning. He will seek wise investment in the Township so that local businesses can thrive.
To that end, Bud will propose a roundtable with small business owners to see what is working and what needs improvement. He foresees a forum to discuss ideas for sustainable growth. And, of course, Bud intends to see our relationship with the Red Bulls blossom into a strategic partnership.
In the last three years, Bud has Chaired or co-Chaired the following committees:
Morris Township Board of Health: 2021 - Current
Chair, Legislative Standing Committee: 2023
Chair, Fire Standing Committee: 2022 - 2023
Chair/co-Chair, Parks, and Rec Standing Committee: 2021 - Current
Co-Chair, Environmental Standing Committee: 2021, 2023
Chair, Infrastructure Standing Committee: 2021 - 2022
Co-Chair, Communications and IT Standing Committee: 2021
Chair/Co-Chair - Engineering Standing Committee: 2021, 2022
Chair Liaison, Open Space Committee: 2021 - Current
Chair Liaison, Joint Court: 2022 - 2023
Liaison to Whippany River Watershed Action Committee: 2021
In addition to serving as the 2023 Deputy Mayor, Bud is a District Representative for the Morris County Democratic Committee.
He is the father of three grown children and is married to Ms. Lee Schwartzberg. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Management Systems Analysis from California State University, Fullerton, a Master of Arts in Educational Leadership from The College of New Jersey, and a Master of Science in Systems Analysis and Design from Kean University.
Bud, his wife Lee, and their dog Abby